Data Sheet
Cartesian Lime is formulated with traditional Natural Hydraulic Lime and light-weight mineral aggregates with insulating properties.
Bag size: 10KG Volume when mixed: 15Litres
One bag will cover approx. 1.5m² at 10mm thick. To calculate how much you require: 1litre per 1m² per 1mm thickness e.g., 10m² at 30mm would require 300litres = 20 bags
Properly prepare the surface before application.
Remove dust, surface contaminants and loose or friable coatings.
Can be mixed using a drum mixer, or in a tub using a drill mixer or paddle stirrer.
Cut the top off the bag and tip the whole bag, carefully to minimise dust, into mixing vessel.
Add 7 litres clean water and mix for 5 minutes.
Always mix with clean water; do not add anything else.
Use on the following substrates: Woodwool board, timber lath, wood fibre board, metal lath, brick, plasterboard, existing plaster, lightweight blocks.
Apply Cartesian Lime, smooth the surface and leave until plaster is firm but still - ‘green’ (about 6-8 hours depending on ambient weather) then finish; lightly flatten the face of the plaster (if a little moisture is required at this point wet the trowel, not the plaster).
NB on an external plaster, a slightly textured surface provides better weather protection than a polished finish.
Cartesian Lime should be protected with limewash or other vapour permeable coating.
Technical Data
Lamda Value 0.137 W/(m.K)
Avoid creating excessive dust
Store away from the reach of children.
Keep bags dry - Reseal open bags immediately after use.
Wear appropriate gloves
Avoid inhaling the dust, wearing a mask if necessary
To avoid contact with the eyes, wear suitable safety goggles
Use in temperatures: above 5°C and below 30°
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